Reference: APP/D0515/C/23/3317077

Mr Neil Bowers
Mr Andrew Hodgson
Site Address
6 Bridge Lane
PE15 0RS
Case Details Dates
Case Type Enforcement Notice Appeal Start Date 06 Mar 2023
Local Planning Authority Fenland District Council Questionnaire due 20 Mar 2023
Statement(s) due 17 Apr 2023
Case Officer Craig Maxwell Interested Party Comments due 17 Apr 2023
Procedure Written representations Appellant/LPA Final Comments due 10 May 2023
Status Complete: Decision issued Inquiry Evidence due N/A
Decision and Outcome Notice varied and upheld
Appeal Decision 3317077 .pdf
Cost Decision 3317077 .pdf
Event Date Not arranged
Case Link Status Not Linked Decision Date 16 Sep 2024
Linked Cases 0