Reference: APP/R0660/W/20/3249661

Hornbuckle Mitchell SIPP
Mr Philip Garner
Site Address
7 Moody Street
CW12 4AN
Case Details Dates
Case Type Planning Appeal (W) Start Date 15 May 2020
Local Planning Authority Cheshire East Council Questionnaire due 22 May 2020
Statement(s) due 19 Jun 2020
Case Officer Heather Langridge Interested Party Comments due 19 Jun 2020
Procedure Written representations Appellant/LPA Final Comments due 03 Jul 2020
Status Complete: Decision issued Inquiry Evidence due N/A
Decision and Outcome Dismissed
Appeal Decision.pdf
Costs Decision .pdf
Event Date Date arranged
Case Link Status Lead Case Decision Date 15 Oct 2020
Linked Cases 1
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Linked Case - APP/R0660/Y/20/3249664