Reference: APP/R3705/W/23/3329915

Richborough Estates Ltd and Mr Robert Jones
Miss Jenny Fryer
Site Address
Land 420 Metres East Of The Elms Farm Weddington Lane
CV10 0TX
Case Details Dates
Case Type Planning Appeal (W) Start Date 12 Oct 2023
Local Planning Authority North Warwickshire Borough Council Questionnaire due 19 Oct 2023
Statement(s) due 16 Nov 2023
Case Officer Alison Dyson Interested Party Comments due 16 Nov 2023
Procedure Inquiry Appellant/LPA Final Comments due N/A
Status Complete: Decision issued Inquiry Evidence due 02 Jan 2024
Decision and Outcome Dismissed
Event Date 30 Jan 2024
Case Link Status Linked Case Decision Date 05 Jul 2024
Linked Cases 1
This is not the lead case. The lead case and other linked cases may have a separate timetable and documents. To view the lead case click below.

Lead Case - APP/W3710/W/23/3329913