Reference: APP/U5360/C/20/3265866

Max Barney Pub Company Limited
Mrs Jan Donovan
Site Address
William IV
7 Shepherdess Walk
N1 7QE
Case Details Dates
Case Type Enforcement Notice Appeal Start Date 21 May 2021
Local Planning Authority London Borough of Hackney Questionnaire due 04 Jun 2021
Statement(s) due 02 Jul 2021
Case Officer Eleanor Morris Interested Party Comments due 02 Jul 2021
Procedure Hearing Appellant/LPA Final Comments due 28 Jul 2021
Status Complete: Decision issued Inquiry Evidence due N/A
Decision and Outcome Notice varied and upheld
3265866 Appeal Decision.pdf
Event Date 11 Jan 2022
Case Link Status Not Linked Decision Date 03 Feb 2022
Linked Cases 0