Reference: APP/X0360/W/21/3287734

Hare Hatch Sheeplands
Mr David Hall
Site Address
Hare Hatch Sheeplands
London Road, Hare Hatch
RG10 9HW
Case Details Dates
Case Type Planning Appeal (W) Start Date 27 Jan 2022
Local Planning Authority Wokingham Borough Council Questionnaire due 03 Feb 2022
Statement(s) due 03 Mar 2022
Case Officer Interested Party Comments due 03 Mar 2022
Procedure Written representations Appellant/LPA Final Comments due 17 Mar 2022
Status Complete: Decision issued Inquiry Evidence due N/A
Decision and Outcome Allowed
3287734 and 3282720 - Appeal Decision.pdf
Costs Decisions - 3287734 and 3282720.pdf
Event Date Date arranged
Case Link Status Lead Case Decision Date 26 Jul 2022
Linked Cases 1
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Linked Case - APP/X0360/W/21/3282720