Reference: APP/C3105/W/23/3329834

Blue Cedar Homes Limited
Mr Des Dunlop
Site Address
Land South of Faraday House
Woodway Road
Sibford Ferris
OX15 5RF
Case Details Dates
Case Type Planning Appeal (W) Start Date 04 Dec 2023
Local Planning Authority Cherwell District Council Questionnaire due 11 Dec 2023
Statement(s) due 08 Jan 2024
Case Officer Ms Caroline Harvey Interested Party Comments due 08 Jan 2024
Procedure Written representations Appellant/LPA Final Comments due 22 Jan 2024
Status Complete: Decision issued Inquiry Evidence due N/A
Decision and Outcome Allowed
3329834 Appeal Decision.pdf
3329834 - Cost Decision.pdf
Event Date Date arranged
Case Link Status Not Linked Decision Date 07 May 2024
Linked Cases 0